08 November 2010

Monday blog week 7

Monday blog! I always find it hard to write a blog post on Monday. I've realised it's probably a bad idea because it's at the start of the week! so I've decided to change it to a Sunday blog instead! wooo also i've added 3 pictures to this blog because i thought I'd show you my cats. first of all say hello to pedalo, wow that rhymes! yes a silly name but my family are really bad at naming animals so he's called pedalo..or peds for short haha! and the other one is called scramble. very appropriate name for her really. she never stops running around.

001. so the weekend was pretty fun actually, Friday was bonfire night and that was eventful. then Saturday i spent all day sleeping and working and drinking tea. actually ok on Friday was a good day. Sunday was boring because i spent most of my time finishing off my work and i had a quick trip into town with my best friend Lily. got a starbucks then came home (christmas menu at starbucks.. BEST thing)

002. Today at college was not a good day. we all had a lecture on a moan to about our behaviour and why none of us had finished the work set 3 weeks ago. so i got a disciplinary at college which means it's a warning of behaviour or something? so i have to finish this work by wendnesday at 5 or else? hahah i dunno what happens if i don't finish it buy yeah so that wasn't good. but apart from that the day was actually pretty nice. I like all the people at college theres a little group of us that get on really well and have a laugh, it's me Hannah, Jessamine and Shuan. shame I'm the only one who doesn't sit on their table! but oh well we still have a laugh. doing printmaking tomorrow and textiles on thursday so i guess this week will be a good one!

003. today the weather was apsolutly vile. It was horrible and rainy! so i got all my work wet on the way to college so it wasn't good. so i'm hoping it's going to clear up tomorrow and the rest of the week. All my friends who go to Bhasvic sixth form (if you don't live in Brighton you have no idea what I'm on about) but it's just a college in Brighton. they all have 'reading week' this week so they don't have to be in. SO jealous i could really do with a week off right now! so my friends are meeting me on Wednesday for a starbucks at my lunch hour. so i guess it's okay!

004. i will hopefully do a outfit post tomorrow. I wore my coat today that i haven't worn in SO long and i haven't featured it in this blog before. so maybe i'll show you it!

sorry for the boring boring VERY boring Monday blog. but I'm feeling a little run down and tired and i still have so much work to do. and well yeah as i said at the start i don't have much to write about on a Monday so I'm going to change this to a Sunday so i can tell you all about my week/weekend


  1. Meowwwww I love kitties. I have two black ones. Dikkie and spyro they are my babies.


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